I realize I have been a little slow with my posts lately, so I am making up for it today - three in one day!! :)
Although it's not always easy, I really am enjoying my time with Nathan! I love being around to see all of his "firsts" and see how much he is learning and growing on a daily basis. It's really quite shocking how much he absorbs and how quickly he is learning things. I decided to put down in writing all of the little things he is doing right now so that I can remember them when he gets a little older. By now, I have realized just how quickly he is growing up and how you can easily and quickly forget those little things they do, even though you swear at the time that you will never forget it.
He knows all of his colors now (except for red - he always calls it yellow) and identifies objects by their color everywhere we go (at times, this can be somewhat annoying, but mostly it's cute and impressive!). He seriously stops at every single little thing as we are walking to tell me what color it is (pothole covers, bicycles, lines painted on the street, house doors, even ducks (black duck, white duck, brown duck)).
He also seems to learn a new word everyday. His newest word is "peacock," because we saw a peacock at Holland Park on Saturday. He can fully communicate with us now, which is very nice - no more guessing at what he wants. And, to go along with his vocabulary, he has a memory that Chris and I are constantly amazed at. It's much better than mine, that's for sure! This skill can be a little challenging for a parent, because you have to be certain not to make any promises you can't keep - he will remember and he won't let you forget it either! On the plane, I told him I would get him a balloon in London if he was good on the plane. He was great on the plane, but for almost a week, I could not find a store here that sold balloons. He asked me for a balloon every day until we found one!
Nathan's latest obsession is the "animals." Any time I ask him what he wants to do today, he immediately replies "animals!" This morning, I was talking to Casey in the hall and asked what he wanted to do today and before he could respond, we heard Nathan running out of his room and yelling "animals!" I told you he has a crazy memory - we haven't been to the Battersea Park Children's Zoo since the first week we were here!
Just a couple of other Nathanisms and I will stop droning on. Anytime he throws or kicks the ball well, he says "Nice." He learned this one from Uncle Casey. I need to get a video of this, because the way he says it cracks me up.
He is also very interested in drains now (not sure where this one came from). He likes watching the water go down the drain in the sink. But, he also points to every drain we see on the sidewalk and says "agua drain." I have to acknowledge that "yes, it is a drain," otherwise, he will not keep moving and he will not stop saying "agua drain."
These are the things that make me smile on a daily basis right now!
Sorry, no pictures with this one :)