Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Ski Holiday In The French Alps

We spent the week before Easter in Avoriaz, France.  It was Trent's first trip out of London and it was Nathan's first time skiing.  We had a great trip.  The French Alps are gorgeous and it was a perfect place for Nathan to learn how to ski.  We had beautiful spring weather (we didn't even really need coats) the first few days we were there, but the day before we left a snow storm came in.  When I asked Nathan if he liked skiing in the snow, he responded that he liked skiing in the "summer" better.  

Nathan absolutely loved skiing (he wanted to bring the skis home with us) and he was a natural.  After the first lesson, the teacher said he was ready to graduate from the bunny slope!  I got to ski with him a couple of times and it was so fun to watch him skiing and sit with him on the chair lift.  I can clearly remember sitting next to my dad on the chair lift when I was Nathan's age.  I'm so excited to watch Nathan get better and better each year!  Although, I already know he's going to make me nervous when he gets older (just like my mom was always nervous when her daredevil kids skied through the trees looking for jumps), because Nathan told me his favorite part of skiing was the "jumps."

Nathan also loved sledding with dad!  Chris got quite a workout in pulling him up the hill each time, so they could sled down together.  And, Trent just quietly took it all in :)  

Our ride to our hotel.  Avoriaz is a carless village (it's all ski in/ski out), so these horse-drawn sleighs take you from the bottom of the resort to your hotel.
Me and my boys :)

Ready to ski.

My ski buddy.

The gorgeous view from our apartment.

This is how Nathan got around the resort.

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