Although our trip to California this summer was great, it is so nice to be back home and get back to a normal routine! Nathan started back to school a couple weeks after we returned to London. And, Trent went to school too -- I initiated baby sleep bootcamp after Trent's jet lag wore off (apparently 5 weeks on the road makes a good sleeper turn bad). After a few nights of the dreaded cry-it-out method, my good sleeper came back to me and now both boys are sleeping 7 pm to 7 am and we actually have a schedule again!
We have been enjoying what has so far been a gorgeous autumn. Incredibly, we are still having days where the temperature gets into the low 70's! Nathan has made it his mission in life to bring baseball to the UK, so we are out at the park playing baseball (yes, we even drag bases over to the park!) on most nice days.
Trent is trying his best to keep up with his big brother. It's amazing to me that we left London in July with a non-mobile baby (he could roll to where he wanted to go, but definitely not even close to crawling) and came back in August with a mover (crawling, pulling himself up to standing, and even cruising along the furniture). At our 8 month checkup the doctor seemed impressed that he is ahead of the curve and I asked what I could do to change that. At this rate, he is going to be walking soon and I am definitely not ready for that!
This was just after we got home from California. He was trying out all his new tricks he learned in California to make sure they worked in London too :) |
This was also just after we got home from California. This is when Boots figured out his world had changed in the span of a month :)
Bringing baseball to London! |
Our first order of business when we got back to London was to drop the crib! |
Nathan and his besties! Can you tell they missed each other? |
First day of school. |
Eight months old - not sure where the time has gone! |
The saxophone player was a good sport. He was chasing the boys around while playing music. He got a good tip that day for entertaining the boys :) |
Daddy and his boys :) |
My boys "helping" me unload groceries :) |
He got his first two teeth right at the beginning of our trip. So far, those are still the only two teeth he has. |
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